Friday, July 9, 2010

How to build your brand with Facebook

Last time, i introduce you the tips on twitter promotion and this time i would like to share a video on how to build your brand with Facebook

As you can see on video, Facebook can assist your brand or company building up a community for one to many and from many to many, like a virus!They can share their comments with the other (all their friends), as a company itself they can build up vote board to collect peoples idea and improve your service or quality. Of course, you can organize a event to invite all your "Likers" to reinforce and retain he relationship between you and your customers.Okay.....

Here we go~


  1. They can share their comments with the other (all their friends), as a company itself they can build up vote board to collect peoples idea and improve your service or quality.Long Beach SEO company

  2. I’m having a small problem. I’m unable to subscribe to your rss feed for some reason. I’m using google reader by the way. facebook
